Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


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FAQ Friday: Spring checklist


On Friday, March 22nd, attorney Candice Joy discusses your spring cleaning for estate planning checklist.

If you already have your estate planning done, it is important to re-evaluate every once in a while.

Call the office if there are any changes you need to make.

Look at your documents, and more specifically the people who will be making decisons. Are all those people still living? Have they moved? Do they still make sense as those agents?

Another thing to consider is if there have been any new laws regarding estate planning. One thing this could affect, is those that started a Trust awhile ago.

If you have a trust specifically then you can add divorce protection if you are worried about a beneficiary’s marital stability.

You should review your trust funding recommendations and make sure all these items were complete since then.

If you have any new assets, did you title that in the Trust? Did you assign beneficiary designations according to your wishes since that purchase?

Make sure you and your first agents know where your estate planning document book is located.

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Arianna Walker