Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


News & Updates

FAQ Friday: Administration Process


On Friday, February 23rd, Attorney Candice Joy discusses the administration process.

In your initial consultation, the death certificate and relevant information should all be brought with you including cars, real estate and any other assets.

After discussing everything, we will give our recommendation. Sometimes we may recommend that you work on this yourself. We will give guidance on this.

When there is a more complex issue then we will recommend you working with us, though understand if you want to try working on it alone.

If you do hire our firm, you will need to sign an engagement agreement and fee agreement. There will also be authorization forms that need signature as well.

We will be in prudent contact when first starting the process. We will start with weekly phone calls.

This entire process can take about a year on average.

Submit your question

Bring your questions about estate planning and administration to our weekly Facebook Live with Mr. Berger on Fridays at 11am EST. Leave your email if you’d like to receive a notification of our response.

Arianna Walker